FW: APEC Workshop on Nanoplastics in Marine Debris

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Cari amici,


riceviamo e volentieri diffondiamo l'invito a partecipare al workshop virtuale sulle Nanoplastiche nei detriti marini, organizzato da Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation.

Di seguito i link per i lavori del workshop non ché per registrarsi.

Cordiali saluti,


Sandro, Lorella, Alessandra e Stuart

Nanoplastics in Marine Debris in the APEC Region


We invite you to a virtual workshop “Nanoplastics in Marine Debris in the APEC Region” on 13th – 15th December 2021. This workshop is sponsored by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Oceans and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG), to facilitate the creation of an APEC-wide community dedicated to understanding and addressing the problems associated with micro- and nanoplastics in marine debris.

The members of the organizing committee are delighted to announce a line-up of confirmed speakers from across the APEC region, and we invite policymakers, researchers, scientists, and industry representatives to come together to discuss ongoing problems, efforts, and opportunities to address the global issues with micro- and nanoplastics in marine debris.

The workshop speakers and other participants, who are contributors to ongoing research and policy discussions on this topic in the APEC economies, will work toward several outcomes, including the following:

Register now for your free ticket and learn more: http://nanoplasticworkshop.org/

We look forward to meeting you all virtually!

#APEC #APEC2021 #microplastic #nanoplastic #marinedebris


Sandro Sutti, Lorella Rigonat, Alessandra Sutti, Stuart Robottom

Globe Italia, Deakin University, Labter-Crea 

Contact us: microplastics.protocol@gmail.com

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com

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Lorella Rigonat e Sandro Sutti
Coordinamento Nazionale

Paola Zanon, Maria Pia Coceano, Graziella Mocellin
Staff di Formazione

Michele Baraldi




Grazie dell'attenzione

globe italia

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