FW: Happy New Year from The GLOBE Program!

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Salve Visitatore,

What a wonderful, memorable number for the exciting year ahead!  2020 marks the start of a very special year for The GLOBE Program. On 22 April 2020, we will begin the year-long celebration of our 25th Anniversary! Our Anniversary/ Earth Day webpage (currently under construction) will keep everyone informed as plans take shape.
How will YOU celebrate GLOBE's 25th Anniversary in your school or community? Will you host a community event, plant a tree, collect data, hold a teacher training, make a video, celebrate with art? It's time to start thinking of ideas for your GLOBE 25th Anniversary Earth Day celebration. We have seen you, our creative world community, find marvelous ways to commemorate and strengthen the program in the past. You can get some ideas from the list of 20th anniversary events here.
Once you have a plan, please inform your Regional Coordination Office (RCO). They'll want to know who you are and what you will be doing! The RCOs will maintain and share the list of regional events and activities with all of us, so please email the following information:
  • Your Name
  • Organization or School
  • Location (country and city/town) 

  • Name and Date of the Planned Event
  • Short Description
Use "25th Anniversary Celebration" in the subject line of your email.
Send your information to your Regional Coordination Office:
We encourage you to use our anniversary logo in conjunction with your local and regional anniversary events. Just click here to find the following three anniversary logos on the GLOBE website. You can also go to www.globe.gov and find the Support tab>Media>GLOBE Logos. This is the path to the anniversary logos, in a variety of sizes to meet your needs. 
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Thank you for celebrating GLOBE's 25th Anniversary on Earth Day, 22 April 2020, and throughout the 25th anniversary year.
From all of us at the GLOBE Implementation Office to all you.... everywhere. Here's to another year-long journey around the sun, on our incredible Planet Earth!
Happy New Year Everyone!

telegramSeguici anche sull'app Telegram: https://t.me/labtercrea 

Lorella Rigonat e Sandro Sutti
Coordinamento Nazionale

Paola Zanon, Maria Pia Coceano, Graziella Mocellin
Staff di Formazione

Michele Baraldi




Grazie dell'attenzione

globe italia

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Globe Italia



 Mantova  (MN)  lì, Giovedì, 06 Giugno 2024 22:47

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