Fwd: Dr. Tony Murphy Welcomes GLOBE Program Manager Dr. Allison Leidner

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30 November 2018
Dear Friends, 
It is my pleasure to introduce to you our new GLOBE Program Manager, Dr. Allison Leidner.
Allison is the Program Manager for Education and Communication in the Earth Science Division of NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD) and now adds The GLOBE Program to her portfolio of management responsibilities. Allison's background in biodiversity, conservation science, and climate change -- along with her relaxed and natural people skills -- make her a great fit to lead GLOBE from Washington!
Two weeks ago, Allison and I attended the Europe and Eurasia Regional Meeting in Toulouse, France. From my few days with Allison, it was clear that she is assuming The GLOBE Program Manager role with great enthusiasm and is immersing herself in learning about the program. She spoke with many of the Country Coordinators present at the meeting in order to learn about implementing GLOBE in different countries. I believe that she will be thoughtful, energetic, and mindful as she leads the program for NASA in the next few years. 
photo - Dr. Allison Leidner
You can read more about Dr. Leidner's career on the NASA website. My staff, the working groups, our partners, and I look forward to working with Allison, with her fresh perspective on our common work. 
I would also like to thank Dr. Lin Chambers for her term as interim GLOBE Program Manager. Lin took over following Dr. Ming-Ying Wei's retirement and, for over two years, has led the program through further expansion and integration. Lin will be moving into a new role as the Science Education Integration Manager in the NASA Science Engagement and Partnerships Division. In that role she will be working with NASA-funded projects across SMD science, including several that link to GLOBE. Lin's leadership during the creation of the GLOBE Strategic Plan 2018-2023 was critical to its success, and the document serves as her legacy to many years of involvement with, and service to, this program. 
Thanks to these fine friends, and to everyone who shares our commitment to GLOBE. Enjoy the weekend everyone!
signature line
Dr. Tony Murphy  
Director, GLOBE Implementation Office 

The GLOBE Program, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 3090 Center Green Drive, Boulder, CO 80301


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Lorella Rigonat e Sandro Sutti
Coordinamento Nazionale

Paola Zanon, Maria Pia Coceano, Graziella Mocellin
Staff di Formazione

Michele Baraldi


Grazie dell'attenzione

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