Categoria: Sala Stampa



All CCs, DCCs, Teachers, Students and Scientists of the GLOBE Europe-Eurasia, GLOBE Asia and Pacific, GLOBE Africa, GLOBE Latin America and Caribbean, GLOBE North America Regions are kindly invited to join the 25th edition of RIVERS IN SPRING, the event that will celebrate the World Water Day on March 21th, 2025, in Mantova, Northern Italy.

Replicating the experience of the last editions, the event will take place in-person on the Lungolago Gonzaga in Mantova and will maintain, amplified, the international dimension acquired in the last editions held within the global network of the GLOBE Program (, in collaboration with the GLOBE Europe-Eurasia Region Coordination Office.

JOIN US! Here's the link to the invitation with the instructions how to participate and the registration form - DEADLINE MARCH 1st

Link to the article concerning the 2024 Rivers in Spring edition on the GLOBE website
Stars and STEM Stories -

Link to the 2024 edition webpage.