FWD: Earth Day Message from GLOBE

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22 April 2019
Hello Everyone and Happy Earth Day!  
Today is the 24th Anniversary of The GLOBE Program. Earth Day was selected for the launch date of GLOBE because Earth Day, founded in 1970, had come to symbolize the worldwide effort to maintain the beauty, integrity, and health of natural systems as a moral and ethical imperative.
Our GLOBE founders went about building an infrastructure that would support a worldwide network of students working with educators and scientists to learn about their environment, take measurements of key indicators of the Earth system, and share their results. Our pathway to safeguarding the Earth would be, and still is, through science and education.
Here, to celebrate Earth Day, is a short video: A Year in Pictures. Thank you to everyone who appears in the video and also to the many who do not appear but whose dedication is equally impressive and valued.
Click here to view the video.
This month at GLOBE, we are engaged in an intensive observation period for land cover measurements. Today, Earth Day, would be a perfect time to engage in that activity and to contribute your data. See the GLOBE Earth Day webpage for guidance.
NASA invites you to celebrate the planet we call home with their #PictureEarth social media event. Here is the same page in Spanish
Also, if you are sharing your activities on social today, use the hashtag: #EarthDayGLOBE2019 to share with us.
Happy Earth Day everyone!
Tony Murphy, PhD
Director of the GLOBE Implementation Office

The GLOBE Program, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 3090 Center Green Drive, Boulder, CO 80301



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Lorella Rigonat e Sandro Sutti
Coordinamento Nazionale

Paola Zanon, Maria Pia Coceano, Graziella Mocellin
Staff di Formazione

Michele Baraldi


Grazie dell'attenzione

globe italia

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Globe Italia



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